Firmament Ode

Name: Firmament Ode

Release time: 06/23/2018

Languages: Traditional Chinese、 Simplified ChineseEnglishJapanese

Charge: Outright sale、No mall


Classic nostalgic strategic turn-based system.

The classic strategic masterpieces once brought us pleasant and rich experience memories, and accompanied us to study and grow with endless aftertaste.

Firmament Ode is based on a strategic turn-based system. Improve the shortcomings of the slow pace and inconvenient operation of the strategic round, add more diversified skill casting methods, and experience of playing treasures. The original story and worldview, and the specially created music feast will allow you to regain the fun of the strategic round and the profound feeling brought by the story!

The game charges a one-time fee after trial. There is no mall or loot box in the game. There will be no extra charge for game updates in the future.

Game roles

Melvyn - Heir

The master of the story. He was separated from his parents at a young age and was brought up by his domestic servant and adoptive father, Gulan.

The tragic childhood experience did not make him cynical. On the contrary, he is more able to put himself in the position and think about others, with empathy and a sense of responsibility. However, his character also causes a lot of trouble himself.

Ball-Fox Merchant

Grown up with Melvyn since childhood, a little older than Melvyn. Inheriting the work of the family business, the business traveler, traveled and sold goods when he was young.

Due to his business personality, he is more pragmatic and thinks clearly, and he can always make the most efficient judgments (but not necessarily good judgments) at the moment.


The leader of the Eagle Warder is also Melvyn's father. He is a very responsible and affectionate man. Bring the Eagle Warder to the garrison in the holy place of Mnim, Roussefell.

However, after being attacked Roussefell, he was separated from his wife and child, and he is missing.


Warren's wife, Melvyn's mother. She is an envoy who follows the oracle for survival, and is also a member of the Eagle Warder. She is delicate and perseverance, and Melvyn's stubborn character is inherited from Lana.

Serving as the head of the gods at the Eagle Warder. She devoutly enshrines, so she is very favored by the gods. She was separated from her husband and children after the battle of Roussefifer, and she is missing.


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