
Founding philosophy

"Games have the value of changing lives and growing up, not just leisure."

The above sentence is not just a slogan, but our core members really feel the impact of the game on us. Therefore, We strive to produce original story, theme-type game content, and are committed to "fun and leisure", "pleasant experience", and "growth with players" as the core design goals. We believe that as long as we can build around the core spirit, must be able to make pleasing games.

A good game can even change a person’s personality and preferences. Just because we know the importance of games, we uphold the spirit of starting from the essence.

Whether it is designing original games, experienced games that like being immersed in a novel, or party games that are based on human interaction, we all want to convey the concept of "Games have the value of changing lives and growing up, not just leisure."

Google G-Player One 一級玩家 annual game team third place

Google G-Player One 一級玩家 annual game team third place